Light rain this morning with thunderstorms by evening. High around 80F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 90%..
Variable clouds with scattered thunderstorms. Low 72F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
BYH, if it had not been for the discontent of a few fellows who had not been satisfied with their condition, you would still be living in caves. Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization. Progress is born of agitation. It is agitation or stagnation.
Capital punishment may or may not serve as a deterrent to potential perpetrators but there is no doubt it reduces the possibility of recidivism to zero.
Abraham Lincoln said, “History is not history unless it’s the truth.” MAGA, your leaders knew, they all knew Trump was not a man to be anywhere near the presidency.
BYH to the Greenville City Council approving a $500,000 to ENC Alliance that cares nothing about our environment. Sad none of our representatives appreciate and care about our environment. Guess $$ talks.
Once again, there was no insurrection on Jan. 6. It was a protest turned semi-riot. Most of the overblown arrests were for trespassing. The only person who died was the unarmed woman protester that was shot by the Capitol Police. No one tried to take over the government, unless one putting their feet upon queen Nancy’s desk is a takeover. Please, get real, BYH.
The student loan default bill is only $10,000? BYH. No, it’s $519 billion and we have to pay for it in taxes; it doesn’t just disappear into thin air. You know, like the thin air between your ears.
Bless your heart, get at least eight hours of beauty sleep per night, nine if you’re ugly.
BYH, if you shouted “lock her up” before but are not shouting “lock him up” now, you have to admit it was never about emails and you’re a hypocrite.
I guess with our president, vice president and secretary of state we have Winken, Blinken and Nod. You can figure out which is each one.
BYH, nobody gets angrier than a narcissist being accused of something they definitely did.
BOH, someone said that Trump is the only one Biden could beat. I am not so sure about that anymore from his past performance.
BYH to the City of Greenville for a $30.70 bill. I understand the refuse cost but question the stormwater charge. As a senior with much green grass in front and back that absorbs the rainfall, I pay $14.70 for stormwater management. Really? Way to stiff the senior citizens again, city. Stop charging the citizens and stiff the developers who clear cut and no trees or green grass. SMH.
Bless your heart Magnolia Arts Center for an outstanding production of The Taming of the Shrew. The actors were fantastic and the costumes were remarkable. I never thought I would like a Shakespearean play; I’m glad you proved me wrong. I’ll be back!
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